Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The TruthSeeker

Be a Truthseeker
When it comes time to give up cherished traditions that violate the clear principles which God has established and clearly presented in Scripture, people froth at the mouth in fury. People do not want to release their man-made traditions, even when those traditions contradict what God has both verbalized in smoke and fire and written in His very own fingerprints upon stone.
When a Biblical subject gives you the knee-jerk reaction of a flaring of anger in your breast, you should pay attention to that organic feeling, and why you have it, and you should seriously pray about it, and lay it at the feet of God. Why does His Word make you angry? Why do you choose the word of man over the Word of God? When Jesus says over and over in various ways that you would do something if you love Him, why don't you do it? Even, suprisingly, shockingly, when it is not hard, but an absolute blessing? Why?
Both in Britain and America when brave people stood up against the commercial enslavement of men and women and children, the slave "owners" snarled, fought back, and even used the Bible to justify their brutal treatment and imprisonment of other people. If the slave owners were wrong, then their parents were wrong, and their parents as well. In the United States, not too much time passed after Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence in 1776 declaring: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" that a war would be fought over what was considered by many to be a time-honored tradition. A tradition which starkly denied that all men were created equal.
When Jefferson penned the Declaration, it was considered too grossly hypocritical that the original draft of the Declaration of Independence contained the warlike accusation against King George of Britain: "...cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another." Everything about slavery was removed from the final document. But many agreed with Jefferson, a slave owner, that the harsh words against slavery should remain.
John Adams heartily agreed to the heavy-handed diatribe against slavery, because John Adams hated slavery and spoke loudly against it, in words, and more so in deeds, as when a young slave girl was presented as a gift to John and Abagail Adams: they immediately freed her from slavery.
It was almost 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence (a document declaring all men created equal by God) that a civil war began in 1861 after "The South" seceded from the United States in 1860, and a large part of this war was fought over slavery.
In other words, fully proclaiming as a banner: "All  men are created equal!" perhaps not quite a majority of Americans did not believe that all men were created equal, but enough did that two sides were able to draw up and clash down upon each other.
Nearly one million Americans died over a period of four years, both sides liberally quoting the Bible and "trusting in God" to join in on their side. George Wythe Randolph, grandson of Thomas Jefferson (that famous Declaration penman) fought in the Civil War, on the side of the South. Of course, Thomas Jefferson never freed his slaves (not even at his death, he willed his slaves over to his children), even though he intellectually took a stand against slavery and hoped it would one day vanish from the United States.
Slavery was a tradition. A tradition hard to buck in Britain, as well, even with such heroes as William Wilberforce dedicating his entire adult life to its eradication.
Bucking tradition is tough. In fact, it is almost impossible to get free of those sticky man-made traditions. During His lifetime on Earth, Jesus constantly stood up to those who placed their man-made traditions above the Scripture, and in obeying their own "traditions of the elders," they ended up dodging around the spirit of Scripture, all the while believing they were serving God and honoring His Word with their heavy addition of tradition to that Word. And, of course, tragically, the vast majority of these professional experts, utterly rejected the Word, the Light, the Way, the Door, the Gate, the Shepherd, the Truth...
...for tradition.

It is already almost too late.
When you know you are wrong, it is best to admit it, and turn back to God. Turn away from your tradition, and grasp God at the knees, wrap your arms around His feet, and scream, as loud as you can: "Save me! I am yours!"
Sadly, "Christianity" has so disembowled the Gospel that your average garden-variety Christian has no idea what I'm talking about when I say to grasp God at the knees, wrap your arms about His ankles and scream: "Save me! I am yours!" Tragically, "gittin' saved" has become like a low-brow joke, something you get scared into doing, or tricked into doing, or do because everyone else is doing it, or because someone expects you to do it, for almost every other reason than for the very real reason of searching for Him with all your heart, mind, soul, body, spirit and strength, seeking Truth with your whole heart, and then finding Him. Choosing Truth over lies, choosing love over hate, God's Word over tradition, light over darkness.
When you are wrong, a part of you knows that you are wrong, a very deep part. Don't pridefully hang onto it, that thing, those things, those beliefs, those traditions, when you KNOW they go absolutely against what the Word of God teaches, what the Word of God SHOUTS. Turn back, turn 180 degrees, and go the opposite way, go back toward God. Run to the light. Go for truth.
The truth is the truth. It might make you uncomfortable. It might fill you with a sense of fury. But once you get over that initial hump, it won't be so bad. Once you stop straining against it, the Truth will come flooding into you, deeply, fully, and it will be exciting, your heart will flare with excitement, you will literally THRILL to God's truth. You won't be able to believe that you were carrying around those heavy iron chains of tradition all those years, all those years of trudging along while you muttered: "I am saved! I am free! I'm so glad everyone else is going to burn forever in hell while I get to go to heaven, praise God!"
Have you ever asked God to reveal to you what horrifies Him about you? I hate to tell you this, but there are things about you that horrify God (how could they not horrify Him, He Who is holy). That thing you are doing that offends Him, and you don't know it? Are there things you KNOW offends Him, but you are purposefully shutting your ears and eyes against them, because this is the way you have been taught that it is done?
If God told you, directly: "I want you to do this, and not do that?" Would you obey Him? Would you care that certain things are offensive to you? Or would you seek out a teacher that could twist God's clear Words into an obscure mass of tangled strings?
Man, let me tell you, the Bible is strewn with the clear Word of God, clear sayings, clear Words, both from the Words of the prophets and from the lips of Jesus Himself, and yet "Christians" say, with that sneer (and you know the haughty, self-confident, prideful smirk I'm talking about, don't you?): "Oh those things. I'm not under the Law! Those things are for the Jews! God only wants them to live at a higher standard. Heck, I'm a Gentile Christian, I can do literally anything I want to do! It's called the Way of the Master, boy howdy!"
Think about it. You are ready to "march as to war" over gay marriage, why? Because God does say it is an abomination. And yet you will eat pork and ham and proclaim: "I am not under the law!" All the while knowing that God says it is an abomination. What? Their abomination is horrendous before God, but your own personal abomination is okay because you are not under the law?
Hello? "Not under the law" means that you will not die because you broke the law, because you have broken the law and deserve to die, because Someone has taken your place, Someone has died in your place. THAT is what it means to be "NOT UNDER THE LAW."
But if you have been taught and believe that because you are "not under the law" that you can do anything you please, that you can no longer sin, that you have been freed from staying true in marriage, that you have been freed from God's Own Holy Sabbath Day which is a day of Delight between you and God, then I am so sorry, but you have been misled into terrible, lying religion, the worst man-made traditions that buck God's Law, that snort at God's Word, that spit in God's Face. I am so sorry, but most likely YOU ARE UNDER THE LAW.
Yes, Truth will make you angry. But I tell you the truth. Why are you getting angry with ME because I am telling you the TRUTH?
Who can you blame, really, when you are going the opposite way, you are on the wide, broad pathway that leads AWAY from God and His Truth? Who can you blame, really?
Can you blame Andrew Wommack? Benny Hinn? Bill Johnson? Joe Smoe and his big brother Moe?
No, I'm so sorry. You cannot blame them. Certainly, these men will be judged much more harshly than you will be, as long as you are the deceived and not the deceiver. But you cannot truly blame them, not in TRUTH, because in TRUTH you are responsible for what you believe, deceived as you are. I am so sorry to be telling you the truth.
But then again, I am not sorry to be telling you the truth.
Duh. Because it is not too late. It is almost too late, but it is not too late, not yet, you still have hope, you can still break away. You know this is truth that I am telling you. You can sense it in every fiber of your being. Break away from lies. Break away from awful man-made traditions even if everyone you know is doing it, believing it, trashing God's Word.
Think about it. Pray about it. Lay yourself out flat before God, and throw yourself upon His mercy. Struggle with this, don't just close your eyes and accept garbage. Struggle with God, not with me. I am nothing. I know nothing. I am ignorant and stupid.
But wrestling with God, struggling to throw off all the filthy sewage that has accumulated in your own face, in your mouth, deep in your ears, wedging itself into your very brain, clawing it out of your eyes, this kind of struggle is worth it. It is more valuable to you than anything else you will ever do.
Have you ever read the Bible for yourself, prayerfully? Without some "teacher" or guidebook telling you the meaning of what you were reading? And did you feel a twinge of guilt when you accepted what the teacher "taught," even though it did not agree with Scripture? In many cases their teachings going utterly against what God clearly speaks?
When someone babbles to you: "It already exists in the Spirit Realm. Now you gotta activate your faith, and bring across into the Physical Realm" — you know, oh you know, deep down, that you have been told a gross, intoxicating lie. True, magic is wonderfully attractive, isn't it? We want power, in and of ourselves. We are willing to approach God's Apostles and offer them money for magic. Think about how we can impress our friends! We can be the life of the party!
But you know, Magic is a lie. And the very worst kind of magic is the new and improved "anointed magic," where you can have God's power. No, not just that. Not just God's power. You can have His authority! No, not just that. Not just God's authority. You can have His righteousness! No, not just that. Not just God's righteousness.
Did you know that this was the original sin? To desire to be like the Most High, to be above God? To BE God, and have God be a man? Don't you know that when you hear this doctrine of demons chortled on TeeVee, drawled like it was smooth Southern-fried magic, that you are hearing a dim, distorted echo of the original lie? That you can be God, that you don't have to obey God, that you ARE God and God is beneath you? That you have God's power, and His authority, His mystery, His miracles, so why in the world would you ever need Somebody as out of date as God, the Ancient of Days? We are modern, and we know more, right?
You are special right? That's what magic hinges on. Magic by any name, flavor or species. The desire to be above, to have people and things below you. That is called pride. (The ironic thing is, when you know the truth, you will realize that you ARE special, amazingly special and different and unique, and have absolutely NO need or requirement for magic, for absurdly false power. You will KNOW that God made you on purpose, different, special, with a very special mission and purpose.)
You want authority? You want power? You want righteousness?
What do I know, right? Who am I? I am nothing. You know that. You sense it. Why listen to this dude, this idiot, this uneducated boor, this boob, this ding dong? This extreme ding dong merrily on high?
Don't. You are right. I am nothing. I am uneducated and stupid.
You don't need me. Not one wee iota, you don't need me.
There is Another, and He is very real. He is more real than anything you can think of or dream or see or hear. OR FEEL.
He is ALIVE. And He is trying to get through to you. It is not about me, the big ding dong dummy. Hey, forget me. Okay? Forget me, and REMEMBER God.
Can you remember? When God tells you to remember, can you?
Will you?
It is about YOU, and God, and He is real.
We are not real. I am sorry to inform you of that. If you think that you are solid in your flesh and blood and bone, you are sadly mistaken. You do not know the truth.
The truth is, we are vast spaces of emptiness. We are whirling activity, spinning, revolving cycling blurs of microscopic flotsam, invisible jetsam, pieces and bits. The truth is, SPIRIT is real.
Yes, you are getting angry with me again. Go ahead. Everyone else is, as well. I don't mind.
Get angry. Get mad. But don't sit and spin on your wee child's toy. Don't just go around in circles in your fury. Don't smack yourself in the face and knock your head into the wall.
Get REAL. Get alive. QUICKEN.
Let Him in. I'm not talking the goofy sideshow stunt. I mean in reality. Between you and Him. Let Him in. Truly invite Him in.
He will open your eyes.
Ask yourself what you are doing. Why do you believe the utter nonsense you believe? Why have you smiled and said yes to con men? Why have you gleefully said yes to deceivers and false teachers and ridiculously absurd false shepherds?
These are tough questions. I don't expect you to shout out the answer, or turn to someone sitting next to you and admit your guilt.
Go to God. Tell Him you want the truth, even if you don't like it. Even if that Truth makes you uncomfortable. Even if it is going to mess up your life.
Do you love the truth? If not, you will be given over to delusion.
Truth isn't always fun. It doesn't always make you giggle. It doesn't always tickle your belly. Truth isn't always silly. Truth isn't always nonsense. It don't always make you go hmmmmm, orahhhhh, or wheeeeee!
In fact, I have discovered that truth does not make you giggle. Truth does not tickle your belly, neither your ears. Truth is not silly. Truth is not nonsense.
If you think that you have found the truth, and that it has set you free, and that you have no more truth to discover, that you have all the truth, then you have not found the truth. You have suffered delusion. You do not love the truth. You are lost. Does that leave you unmoved? Are you scoffing at this very moment, smiling that smile? You know the smile. Are you sticking out your chin and thinking: "Uh-uh, no I'm not lost. You are! You are lost, not me!"
Youch, that is lost. Can I get through to you? Probably not. You know very well that when someone gives their intelligence over to a cult leader, it is just about impossible to break through the filthy layer of scum that they have willfully, gleefully smeared into their very eyes, plunged down deep into their ears, packing it in, packing it in. They don't want the truth. They want the lie. There is nobody to blame but the person who has smeared the inexpressible excrement into their very own eyes, smiling, shouting, giggling, screaming: "I is free at last! I was blind, but now I see!"
Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?
Who wants to wake up from their dream, as dreary as they know it is, slogging, slogging through the rat race, to find a very humble reality, one that might at first appear far more grim?
The Good News is the Good News, and it is good news. But there are grim truths all around the Gospel, grim truths that are part of the Gospel, truths that will make you cry with their importance. There are truths surrounding you that if you knew them, they would terrify you. Scary? You don't think truth should be scary, that it should just be nice? Well then you obviously don't know the truth.
Time is short. If that declaration isn't obvious, then you have not bumped into the truth yet. If you think it is all "peace, peace, and peace" on the horizon, you haven't met the truth. If you think an escape is suddenly going to happen, I'm terrified to tell you that you do not know the truth. You have been deceived, and most probably, you are lost, and you think you are found.
I am not attempting to scare you. I am not trying to stir up controversy. There is a storm coming, and something far worse than the terminator, and it is all very real my friend, and it has little to do with conspiracy theories.
It might sound like a conspiracy theory, that there are "sleeper cell" groups spread across the face of America (and linking from there all across the world) which are not any scary Muslim religion, but something very homegrown. Check out the Book of Revelation, find the part that talks about a lamb-like beast, you know the one; it speaks with the voice of a dragon. This group carries a banner over its head proclaiming that the U.S. once was a Christian Nation, and shall be again (and read about the lamb-like beast, it is "like a lamb," so in many ways it does perpetuate itself as "Christian," but then there is that dragon's voice, does that sound Christian to you?). Will you unite under the symbol of the Great Pentagram?
The Good News is, the more you investigate and seek truth, the more you will find truth, and the more that truth will set you free, but you will instantly learn that you are like an ant crawling about beneath a great mountain, and that great mountain is comprised of bricks of truth, and you will ask yourself: "Can I ever know all the truth?" But instead of defeating you, depressing you, compressing you beneath a spirit of heaviness, you will quicken, you will come alive, you will feel fire in your breast, for perhaps the first time in your life, your eyes will open and you will realize that what you are hearing from channel after channel of false TeeVeevangelists is rotten bits of meat spewed from huge smiling false teeth. Can't you smell the rancid wind?
Can't you recognize that smell of corruption leaking up from your own mouth into your nose?
Seek Truth. It is almost too late. Open your eyes. Wake up. Seek Truth, seek it with your whole heart, with all your mind, soul, spirit and every ounce of your strength, and never stop seeking. Seek God. Seek His righteousness. Seek Truth.
Become a Truth Seeker.

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